Important requirements for the mixing process:
– All audio files must be consolidated and all start from the beginning of the project (from ‘Bar 1’), so that all exported files line up correctly.
– Files must have NO EQ, NO COMPRESSION or FX (unless it´s a very specific ‘effected’ part, in which case both versions need to be sent).
– All audio files must be exported to the sample rate they were recorded (ex: 44.1 / 48 kHz, no less than 24 bit).
– All audio must be exported according to their stereo image:
– Mono: guitar DI, bass DI, vocals, etc…
– Stereo: drum overheads, drum room mics, synths, pianos, etc…
– When you send MIDI files, make sure they are also consolidated from the start of project, just like the audio files. Send a corresponding audio file for that MIDI track (ex: PIANO_1_MIDI.mid and PIANO_1.wav). All MIDI must be assigned to Channel 1.
– If you are sending MIDI drums, send a text file with the corresponding notes (ex: C1 = Kick, D1 = Snare, etc…)
– Send a MIDI file with the tempo of the song.
– Send all the DIs for all the guitars and bass.
– All these files (both audio and MIDI) must be tested in a new session BEFORE they are sent.
– All tracks should be correctly labeled (please don’t send files named ‘audio1.wav’ or ‘gtr3_dup3.wav’ 😛 ).
– Every song needs to be in a separate folder, with the elements for each track in subfolders.
– All files MUST BE EDITED BEFORE THE START OF THE MIXING SESSION. This means the drums have to be edited, guitars and bass have to be edited and vocals have to be edited in time and pitch. If
you need any editing work done, send us an email to get a quote.
– If you have any questions regarding these notes, send us an email BEFORE you send the files.

Gear / Plug In Listing
Avid Pro Tools
Interface/DSP Power:
Universal Audio Apollo 8 DUO(2016 model with next generation converters)
Universal Audio Apollo Twin DUO
Universal Audio Satellite QUAD
Universal Audio Satellite DUO
Studio Monitors:
Dynaudio BMIII 5A’s
Headphone Monitoring:
Beyerdynamics DT770 Pro at 250 ohms
Sennheiser HD280 Pro
Both used with SONARWORKS Reference 3 Headphone Calibration plug-in and
WAVES NX Virtual Mixroom plug-in with NX Headtracker
Compressor Plug-ins
UAD SSL 4000 Series E Channel Strip
UAD Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor Compressor
UAD Cooper Time Cube MKII Delay
UAD SSL 4000 G Bus Compressor
UAD 1176 AE
UAD 1176 Rev A
UAD 1176 LN Rev E
UAD 1176 SE Legacy
UAD 1176 LN Legacy
UAD Teletronix LA-2
UAD Teletronix LA-2A Grey
UAD Teletroninx La-2A Silver
UAD Manley Vari-Mu Stereo Limiter/Compressor
UAD Fairchild 660/670 Pro and 670 Legacy
Waves C4 Multi-Band Compressor
Waves CLA Mixdown
Waves RDe-Esser
Slate Digital FG-Stress (Modeled after Empirical Labs Distressor)
Slate Digital FG-116 Black(1176 Rev D)
Slate Digital FG-116 Vintage(1176 Rev A)
Slate Digital FG-116 Blue Modern (Updated version of 1176)
Slate Digital The Monster (“All buttons in” 1176)
Slate Digital FG-401 VCA Compressor( Modeled after SSL and Focusrite VCA Compressors)
Slate Digital VBC FG-Grey (SSL Buss Compressor)
Slate Digital VBC FG-Red (Focusrite RED Buss Compressor)
Slate Digital VBC FG-MU (Hybrid of Manley Vari-MU and Fairchild 670 Buss Compressors)
Slate Digital FG-Bomber
Slate FG-X Virtual Mastering Console (Compressor/Limiter)
DYN3 Compressor/Limiter
DNY3 Expander/Gate
Elosis E2 De-Essser
Waves RDe-Esser
EQ/Preamp/Channel Strip & Virtual Console Plug-ins:
UAD 610-A Tube Preamp and EQ
UAD 610-B Tube Preamp and EQ
UAD Neve 1073 Preamp and EQ Collection
Waves Scheps 73 ( Neve1073 EQ/Preamp)
Slate Digital FG-73 (Neve 1073 Preamp)
Slate Digital FG-76 (Telefunken Tube Preamp)
Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack Collection
Slate Digital FG-N (Neve EQ)
Slate Digital FG-S (SSL EQ)
Waves SSL E-Channel Strip
UAD Helios 69 EQ
UAD Manley Massive Passive EQ
UAD Precision Channel Strip
UAD Pultec EQP 1-A Passive EQ
UAD Pultec MEQ-5 Passive EQ
UAD Pultec HLF-3C Passive EQ
Slate Digital Custom Series Passive EQ (Modeled after Pultec)
Slate Digital Custom Series LIFT EQ
Slate Digital REVIVAL EQ
Slate Digital Virtual Tube Collection(Preamp and Console Tube saturation)
Waves Aphex Vintage Aural Exciter
EQ3 1 Band EQ
EQ3 7 Band EQ
Entire Slate Digital Virtual Console Collection (Neve, SSL, API, Trident, and REDD Channel and Mixbuss Console emulation)
Reverb, Delay and Tape Emulation Plug-ins:
UAD Ocean Way Studios Room Emulator (For Drums, Guitars, Piano, Organ, etc…)
UAD EMT 140 Plate Reverb
UAD RealVerb Pro
Waves Abbey Road Plates Reverb
Waves Abbey Road Chambers Reverb
Waves TrueVerb
Slate Digital Verbsuite Classics (Plates, Rooms, Halls, Etc…)
Moogerfooger Analog Delay
Slate REPEATER Delays (Slap, Tape, Analog, Digital, Etc…)
MOD Delay 3
Slate Digital Virtual Tape Machine Collection (2” and 1/2” tape emulation)
Voice/Instrument Tuning and Replacement:
Melodyne Editor 4(for vocal and polyphonic instrument tuning)
Steven Slate Drums Trigger 2 (for drum sampling/replacement)
Steven Slate Drums (Midi)
Native Instruments Abbey Road 60’s and 70’s Drums (Midi)
Slate Digital S-Gear Virtual Guitar Amplifier Colletion (Fender, Marshall, Vox, Mesa/Boogie, etc…)
Sansamp PSA-1
Softube Amp Room Half Stack
Softube Bass Amp Room 8×10